Thursday, April 12, 2007

Update on Stanley

Here's Stan-o on Tuesday, shortly after his surgery. He's a bit thinner in the face these days but we all know he'll get those beautiful folds back in no time!

It's both delightful and troubling to see him getting his energy back this week. Delightful because, of course, his happy-stray-bowling-ball attitude is so endearing; but troubling since he really needs to rest so he heals properly, permanently and quickly. Hearing him (try to) bark is also heartbreaking.

So he's been on a sedative this week, which (barely) keeps him low-key, but it's still important not to get him worked up since he's liable to respond to a smile with a leap. Today I kept him out of the rain as much as possible and we had a deep cuddle session on the couch. It was nice, but I'm looking forward to the return of spring and a bulldog able to take advantage of it.

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