Friday, April 20, 2007

This post has no title


Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but the tap is flowing again.

I was on a 5 night petsit with Kenny and Joya through Wednesday, which was also my (31st!) birthday and came, as it so often does, at a time of national bloodletting. What is it about this week that so many tragedies occur in recent history -- Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, Columbine and now Virginia Tech? Anyway I like to think I'm not responsible, and that it's not some collective unconscious outcry. I also considered blogging my petsit while it was going on, but remembering the case of a former colleague whose schedule was posted on the internet. I don't think anyone has similar designs for me, but perhaps out of an excess 0f caution I decided against it.

At any rate, here (above) is some cool stuff I found in Park Slope over the weekend.

If you check this space over the weekend, you should find more cute doggies, and less talk of blood.


Chantel said...

What exactly is photo #2??

Anthony said...

A stack of dinner plates, and a reflection on polished marble of me taking their picture.
