Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I hope you all had a wonderful May Day, International Labor Day, or Loyalty Day, or whatever you choose to celebrate today. I certainly did!

First, I happened upon evidence that Manhattan's loss, and the City Council's inanity, is Brooklyn's gain. Due to the new pedicab restrictions, many of the erstwhile giant trikes are on the market. Eddie(below), in true Brooklyn fashion does not stop to ask permission before doing something useful and sensible. I ran into him getting this pedicab into shape on Prospect Pl., and he was good enough to sit for a picture. Soon enough you'll find him prowling 7th Avenue and other hot spots in and around the Slope. Make sure to flag him down for a fun and emission-free ride!

Rounding the corner I saw an interesting looking pile of offal, within which I dug up this historical relic.

And here, because it's May Day, are three red tee shirts:

This one has been worn in demonstrations from 1982's Central Park No Nukes protest/concert (by me own sweet mum that time, and at the largest gathering in NYC history), to New York's streets during the 2004 Republican National Convention, and beyond.

And this I got for my service in the nineties in the only union of political fundraisers in the world, in Boston. (Don't worry, those days are long over -- I have no interest in hitting you up for Hillary, or anyone else!)

And this I found on the street the other day. It relates directly to today's nationwide immigrant protests.

Also, since this is a blog about dogs, here's a picture of Kenny, Moby, and Joya at the ends of their tethers, as I fear we shall all be soon.

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